The Power of One Word

There is a story recorded in the Gospel According to Matthew. Jesus and his disciples were going to Peter’s house. Peter was a key part of his inner team. Peter’s mother-in-law was ill. It is said that Jesus merely touched her and she was healed (Matthew 8:14-15).

Word got out that Jesus was in the neighborhood, so many people were brought to him. Some were sick. Several were described as “demon possessed people” (Matthew 8:16). We read that, “When he [Jesus] spoke a single word, all the demons fled; and all the sick were healed” (Matthew 8:16).

Did you catch that? One word. One single word. That’s all it took. What was the word? I have no idea. But whatever the word was it packed a powerful punch. Jesus speaking a single word changed lives and healed sickness.

None of us must ever underestimate the power of a single word. A single word spoken at the wrong time has the potential to destroy someone’s confidence. A single word spoken at the right time has the power to transform. I’m not saying causing demons to flee, or people to be healed, but one word can still transform.

This is so true of leaders, parents, teachers, coaches, pastors. What any of us say to those we have influence over can radically change them.

Single words that can transform: Believe. Hope. Love. Forgive. Trust. Repent. Decide. Change. Resist. Try. Persevere. Help. Live. Care. Faith. Again. Patience.

What word are you using with those you lead? The power of one! One word can transform many lives.