King Solomon has long been considered one of the greatest Kings in the history of Israel. His wisdom was legendary. His wisdom came as a direct request he made of God.
This story is told in the Old Testament book of 2 Chronicles. In the very first chapter of this book, God gave Solomon the opportunity to ask for anything…literally ANYTHING (v7). When the God of the Universe presents such an opportunity you have a pretty big array of possibilities.
It appears he didn’t have to give it much thought. He didn’t request more time to ponder the overwhelming options. Instead he answered quickly. “Now give me wisdom and knowledge to rule them [your people] properly…” (v10).
He wanted wisdom and knowledge to rule (lead) properly. God summed up Solomon’s motivation quickly, “Because your greatest desire is to help your people…” (v11).
This ought to be the greatest motivation for any leader. Your primary, if not only, motivation ought to be to help those you lead. Help them thrive. Help them grow in their potential. Help them achieve their purpose. Help them understand faith.
When you help those you have the privilege to lead you become a developer of people. You recognize the necessity of investing in them. You put the priority on their goals and aspirations. You do the difficult work of understanding them, and how you might help.
How do you help those you lead? You believe in them. You take time to listen to them. You confront them when necessary. You keep them accountable. You are both clear and kind. You give them opportunity. You allow them to fail.
In the TV Medical Drama, New Amsterdam, Dr. Max Goodwin is the Chief Medical Director. When dealing with those on his team a question he consistently asks is, “How can I help?”
The implementation of your desire to help is simply asking the question of how. It will be wisdom and knowledge that will provide the insight in responding to their answer.