Robert Logan, writer and speaker, observed, “If we want to have a healthy, functional pipeline of new leaders being developed we need to put some type of system in place to support that.” The reality is that most don’t develop a system.
Instead it seems most organizations believe leaders will rise up automatically. Leaders will rise up, but you have to provide the environment for them to rise up in.
A leadership pipeline must have two elements to be effective. A selection process and a means of developing those who have been selected.
A selection process is a way by which you determine who to invite into the pipeline. In order to do this well you need five steps.
Develop a criteria: What is your criteria of who to invite in? Everyone is not ready to be invited into the leadership pipeline. You need to know what you are looking for.
Clarify expectations: When you invite someone into the process you need to make sure you clarify to them what it will mean for them. What expectations will you have of them once they accept the invite? We tend to be frustrated by not getting what we expect, but we seldom clarify what we expect.
Identify potential leaders: Make a list of those you believe are ready.
Saturate the selection in prayer: I am a person of faith, therefore I believe this is essential. If you don’t identify yourself in this way, I recommend you give thoughtful attention to whom you will ask in.
Decide: Sooner or later you will have to take the step to invite folks in.
You now have people in your leadership pipeline. You need to develop them. There are a variety of way to develop leaders. I will share a leadership development process through C.O.A.C.H.I.N.G.
C-connect relationally: Connecting is about being with people, not merely around them. You can be around people without being with them, but you cannot be with people unless you are around them.
O-open doors to experiences: Provide things for them to engage in practical leadership scenarios. Introduce them to key people.
A-ask open ended questions: Leaders need to be taught how to think, not what to think.
C-capture their heart: You capture their heart when you give them your heart (the authentic you) and your hand (help in their life). You capture their heart when you believe in their potential. You capture their heart when you see who they are as a person. You capture their heart when you add value to their lives.
H-hold them accountable: Accountability must be agreed upon. Leaders who are not held accountable for attitudes, actions, and abilities are being short-changed in their development.
I-invite them to fail: Failure must be viewed as an opportunity to learn. Failure is only final if you never fail again. The only way you will never fail again is if you stop trying.
N-need-oriented resourcing: Give them what they need to develop, not merely what they want.
G-give them honest feedback: Speak the truth in love. Be clear. Be kind. Be gentle.
A genuine leadership development process is only effective when you produce other leaders. If leaders are not multiplied you are developing followers.