Brody, our oldest grandchild, was over earning some money. He mowed and edged the lawn. Changed air filters. Cleaned out the gutter.
In order to do two of these four money making ventures he needed to use a ladder. I noted that when he was moving the ladder from one venue to the next he was carrying the ladder vertically. He had a grip on both sides of the ladder. He picked it up and walked it to the needed location.
My dad was a roofing contractor. He carried ladders all over work sites. When helping him I, too, carried ladders all over work sites.
I said to Brody, “You’re Grand Pappy was a roofer. He carried lots of ladders. We come from a long line of ladder carriers. Let me show you an easier way to carry that ladder.”
I proceeded to hold it horizontally by grasping it in along the rail. Much easier to relocate. Especially outside. I felt pretty proud passing along to him his ladder carrying heritage.
Reflecting on this later I realized we all need to be ladder carriers. A ladder is used to access places we could not on our own. A ladder helps us climb to heights we would be limited from otherwise. A ladder can provide for us a different perspective we may not typically have.
We become ladder carriers when we…
Provide a platform for others to excel
Leverage our influence to provide opportunity
Help others discover a new perspective
Encourage people to try something they may have never felt possible
Give people a vehicle by which they might achieve more
Show by example another way of doing something
The best ladder carrier I know is my wonderful wife, of almost 48 years, Joni. She is a member of my daughter’s KAIA Fit Gym. She works out 6 days a week. This gym is women only, except on Saturday. On Saturday the members are encouraged to bring family and friends. Men are not excluded.
On Saturdays Joni and I work out together. On one Saturday, as we were going through circuit training, a young lady, during a short rest between exercises, said to me, “Your wife is always an encourager. She encourages everyone.” I agreed wholeheartedly with her assessment.”
Joni is an encourager because she is a ladder carrier. You can be a ladder carrier too. It only takes time, willingness, and sharing.