A New Grip

Tug-o-war is a game. You have a strong long rope. You tie a rag, ribbon, or whatever to delineate the middle of the rope. You have two teams. Each team gets in position on either side of the middle marker. You have a line somehow indicated on the ground. When the judge says GO! Each side tugs on the rope with the goal of pulling the other side across the line, or when a team loses their grip and the rope drops.

Tug-o-war is a test of firm grip, determination, and a willingness to stand your ground until you can make a strong pull. Grip is the primary driver of success. You have to hold onto that rope.

There are times when your grip has to be adjusted. You need a new hold as your hands and legs may be a bit weary. You do this in communication with your team. Everyone cannot ‘grip adjust’ at the same time.

This is not only true in tug-o-war. We all have seasons where we just have to persevere. We need to hold on. We need grip and grit to get through. It could be an illness. It might be a very difficult relationship. It may be a state of depression. It can be a challenging job hunt. Or a sense of God being silent. Whatever it is you know you need to hold on.

The writer of the New Testament book Hebrews says, “So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees” (Hebrews 12:12).

This may be where you are as you read this. You have tired hands and weak knees. You need to take a new grip. Evaluate your current situation. Determine what you need to do to get that new grip.

There are two things to keep in mind when you need a new grip.

  1. Know you are not alone. You may feel lonely, but you are not alone. There are people who believe in you. They want the best for you. They will hold the line giving you time to take a new grip

  2. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Why? He is the one who perfects your faith. It is faith, in the midst of our weaknesses, that keeps us holding on.

Are you tired? Are you feeling weak? Get a new grip.