Yes We Can!

Back in the early 2000’s I worked with a para-church organization called New Church Specialties. Our emphasis was on church health/fitness, church planting, and leadership development. We provided coaching and consulting. We worked with hundreds of churches across North America.

We developed numerous presentations. We field tested strategies and systems that when implemented worked well. We worked diligently to serve our clients with a variety of needs. We had dozens and dozens of resources that were practical, helpful, and appreciated.

There were times, however, when a client would ask, “Might you be able to provide for us…?” What they asked for we may not have in our current arsenal of resources. What did we say? Yes we can!

It was our goal to serve all of our clients at the highest level possible. Telling them that we couldn’t provide something would not meet that goal. What we knew is that we could figure it out. In fact, providing clients the necessary resources forced us to stay fresh and continue to add to our expanding offerings.

Whatever your organization. Whomever you serve. Be a group that serves your clients well. Be willing to work at providing clients what they need. Be a ‘yes we can’ organization.

A ‘yes we can’ organization is willing to stretch

A ‘yes we can’ organization is willing to learn

A ‘yes we can’ organization is willing to adjust

A ‘yes we can’ organization is willing to figure things out

Two questions your organization ought to answer when facing a new request: Can we? Will we? Can we? This is the ability question. Can you provide what is asked of you?

Will we? This is the action question. Are you willing to do what is necessary to make something happen. A ‘yes we can’ organization answers positively to both.

What kind of organization are you? What kind of leader are you?