Live Looking Forward

Pastor and author Alistair Begg wrote, “Live looking forward.” This is exactly how we ought to live. When looking forward we avoid being entangled in our current situation. Our forward looking does not necessarily provide an escape, but it does give us something to strive for…up ahead.

Regardless of any situation, or circumstance…we live looking forward. In our limited physical abilities…we live looking forward. 

We look forward to what God has for us. We look forward to opportunities and possibilities. We look forward to the promise that awaits us. 

When we looking forward our present is fully embraced. With a forward looking perspective each day is filled with anticipation. Each day with its beauty, challenges, obstacles, celebrations, mundaneness, hiccups, and achievements is a step toward the future that lies ahead. 

Paul, the great First Century leader and writer, wrote: “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on….” 

This is what living looking forward is. It is forgetting mistakes, errors, and that which we could have done better. It’s shifting to what lies ahead. 

We press on. The past will not define us. The present will not limit us. The future will be our goal. 

During the COVID shutdowns I regularly encouraged those I worked with to keep their eyes on the horizon. It was up ahead where we would find the strength to live with courage in the present. Live life looking forward.