No one likes to be memory challenged. In life we have seasons when we forget. It could be an item at the grocery story. An appointment. A birthday. An anniversary (hopefully not yours), or a variety of other things.
I have to admit…I forgot. I, therefore, have developed another term. I say ‘I neglected to remember.’ It sounds so much better than forgot. I can remember. It’s that in some cases I neglected to do so.
No matter your terminology, I’d like to suggest you not ‘neglect to remember’ these things:
The freedoms you have living in America
The opportunities available to those who pay attention
The ability to do better
Gratitude for those who helped you
People who care for you
The mercy, grace and forgiveness provided by God
Learning from mistakes
Growing through experiences
Good health
Getting the benefit of the doubt
Those who have believed in you
The purpose you forged in your life
The hurt you encountered and the healing you were given
Forgetting can be used as means of blocking out the horrors in our life. A wall of protectionism. A lock on the door to our past.
What must be understood is that recalling is a means of victory. When you recall past disruptive events you are able to know you made it through. What you experienced did not get the best of you. You won! You are the better for having lived through it.
Don’t neglect to remember pain. Pain does what few other things can. It reminds us we are vulnerable. Vulnerability is a strength. It lets us know we need each other. We cannot go it alone. Nor were we meant to.