During the month of December our church took on a missions project to provide something tangible and lasting to those less fortunate. We chose to provide cows to a village in Mozambique, Africa. The cows cost $500 each via World Hope International. The goal of providing five or six cows was initially discussed and it was decided that our church could probably reach that goal of $3000 reasonably. However, one of our senior saints challenged us to believe in a bigger God and a bigger goal or $5000. to purchase 10 cows. The cows are given to villagers for use in farming and milk. Each villager receiving a cow signs a contract that they will give the first offspring of the cow to another villager, or member of a nearby village. If they do not, the cow is taken away and given to another family.
Our loving and generous church family at El Cajon Wesleyan Church, listening to God's direction and believing in his provision, raised $10,450.00 and were able to provide the entire village of Xai Xai with cows!!!!! The funds also provided training for a vet in a rural community, seeds and other farming necessities, and some rice seed bushels for six families.
What a blessing it was to see our entire church embrace and believe in this project. From the youngest of children who dressed in cow costumes and sold milk and cookies each Sunday to raise money, to the oldest who gave generously with their finances to support this project. God moved and we can't wait to see pictures of the villagers when they receive their herd of cattle this Spring! God is doing great things as ECW and we are grateful for His presence.
Christine Hughes