In the book of Ezekiel, located in the Old Testament, we read, “And this is the basic law of the temple: Holiness!” (43:12)
Holiness is a basic foundation of a relationship with God. He is holy. We are to be holy. In Ezekiel’s day the holiness was tied to the sacrifice of unblemished animals. Lots of sacrificing; lots of animals!
This seemed to set the stage for humanity, at least the ones who had a draw to be holy. Those pulled toward holiness would take action to make themselves holy. Effort became the standard. Designing external rules to follow became the norm.
The idea was if we could simply act a certain way. Involve ourselves in holiness “approved” activities. Find the correct standard and keep it. In someway find the holy “look.” We would be a card carrying holy person. Something God could sign off on.
Jesus changed all of this with the one great sacrifice. It was him in place of unblemished animals. It was his sacrifice, not ours. It was what he has done, not what we might do.
Holiness is not attained through certain activities. Holiness is not a veneer we create. Holiness is not a set of standards fulfilled at diligent personal effort.
Holiness is a counterintuitive connection. We do not pursue holiness. We purse a holy God who creates holiness in us. It is not what we pursue, but who we pursue.
This is the basic law of holy living: Pursue a holy God!