Developing Our Leadership

You cannot take anyone any further than you yourself have gone. This is a leadership principle I am sure you have heard before. It speaks to developing yourself. When you stop growing those you lead cease to grow. 

Aubrey Malphurs and Gordon Penfold in their book, Revision, provide ten questions you can ask yourself to help in continuing to developing your leadership.

  1. What kind of character is necessary to lead in today’s church environment?

  2. What do I need to know to increase my leadership effectiveness?

  3. What people skills are needed to better lead others?

  4. What can I do to increase my communication skills?

  5. What training would be helpful to increase my leadership?

  6. What areas of emotional health do I need to address?

  7. What competencies do you currently excel in?

  8. What competencies do you need to add to your leadership tool kit?

  9. What are you currently doing to address your physical health?

  10. What are you doing to consistency restore your energy?

The Apostle Paul said, “Check up on yourselves” (2 Cor.13:5). Following this advice, take part
of a day and reflect on each question. Write out your answers. Invite other leaders into
conversation regarding the questions. 

The leader you are today should not be the leader you are tomorrow. Growth is a result of asking good questions.