This is the time of year that many will determine how they will approach the New Year differently. This is where we plant our good intentions in the soil of a New Year. We make resolutions. We set goals. We tell ourselves this time it will be different. Optimism is the attitude of every New Year.
Why bother? This year will follow the exact same pattern as previous years. You’ll be enthusiastic and energetic. You are going to get after it. You are gonna make it happen. Then, February 1st arrives, and you have already backed away from many of your good intentions.
Again I say, why bother? I’ll tell you why bother. It will be worth it. But before you bother, you need to determine if you are motivated.
You are not motivated if you are going through the New Year motions. If you are attempting to make changes because that is what you are supposed to do this time of year, don’t bother. If you are making your change list simply by copying what others are doing, don’t bother. If you will be attempting to make BIG changes, don’t bother. If you think the changes you want to make will be very simple, don’t bother.
There is only one genuine motivator: DIS-SATISFACTION! If you are not genuinely dissatisfied with areas of your life, why bother. It is only genuine dissatisfaction that will genuinely keep the fires lit in your spirit to become a new you in the new year.
Where are you genuinely deeply dissatisfied? Your fitness level? Knowledge on certain topics? Toxic relationships in your life? A spiritual lack? Identify the area in your life where you are MOST dissatisfied and begin there.
This year don’t change everything, change one thing. A commitment to one area of change will make a significant difference in your life. Addressing one area of dissatisfaction will help you stay the course. It is better to achieve in one area, than to quit every area.
There are an array of tools to use in goal setting. There are a plethora of experts who have more than enough advice to help you achieve your resolutions. This being the case, allow me to provide a simple framework.
Take time to identify the area of your life that you are genuinely, deeply, authentically dissatisfied with. It is in your dissatisfaction you will be genuinely motivated
Write that one thing down
Decide the best thing you can do to address that area
Develop a simple plan
Ask trusted friends to hold you accountable
If you invest yourself in addressing your deepest dissatisfaction you will achieve it. You will be highly motivated. You still may falter a bit, but a falter is not a failure. This will be the year you achieve what you set out to do.