Strong and Steady

King David may be one of the greatest leaders in all of history. He was not perfect by any means in anyone’s imagination. He was a leader of faith. He understood to his core that his dependency on God enhanced his leadership in every way.

In the book of Psalms 89:21, God promises,“I will steady him [David] and make him strong.” These two characteristics provided David are worthwhile for all leaders. Steadiness and strength are two traits that nourish leadership competency. As in David’s case, God can indeed deliver them, then we can develop them.

Steadiness is consistency. A consistent leader is a reliable leader. People need to know they can depend on you. When you show yourself trustworthy those you lead will have confidence.

Leaders show steadiness when they employ measured responses. They don’t react, they respond. They are thoughtful. They are willing to step back to consider options. They refuse to be rushed. They don’t procrastinate, but they do proceed at a pace that brings others along.

A steady leader is consistent emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. They treat all people fairly, although not, necessarily, equally. People know what to expect of them in crisis situations. Overreaction of a steady leader is rarely, if ever, present.

One of the most appreciated, and humbling, comments I have had on my leadership came from one of the pastors I am privileged to work with. He said, “I have watched you face things and you are consistent in your response and very open to hearing—that is a great quality and I hope to further grow in that area of my life and leadership.” I can say, this, indeed, comes from God in my life.

Strength is forged in the kiln of perseverance. It is the willingness to work through resistance. Just as physical muscles are strengthened through having to push through the resistance of weights, so does leadership strength develop through resistance of working toward goals.

A leader’s strength is not caustic. It is not adversarial. It is not abrasive. It is not ‘my way, or the highway.’ It is kind. It is considerate. It is clear. It is understanding. The strength of the leader provides strength to those being led.

God provides steadiness and strength, especially in difficult and challenging times. Look to him. Rely on him. Trust him.