Which Rules Will You Follow?

There is an individual who posts on FaceBook under the heading: Authentic Leadership: Inside The Mind of Dr. Patton. On one of this person’s post they provided “8 Rules For Success.”

  1. See failure as a beginning, not an end.

  2. If you don’t go after it, you won’t get it.

  3. Always do more than what is expected.

  4. Assume nothing and question everything.

  5. Make peace with the past, or you’ll pay for it.

  6. Stop thinking so much and start acting.

  7. Never compare yourself to others.

  8. Teach others what you know.

I believe these to be  excellent rules/guidelines. However, just as there are rules for success there are rules for failure. Or to say it more positively, rules that will hinder your success. I’ll follow Dr. Patton’s formula and share “8 Rules Hindering Success.”

  1. Say what you’ll do, and never do it

  2. Make tomorrow the starting point for every new venture

  3. Adopt other people’s dreams

  4. Become the victim

  5. Assume responsibility but never take it

  6. Give in to pride

  7. Never applaud the accomplishments of others

  8. Avoid the road less traveled

It is my opinion that each of us is a rule follower at some level. The question: Which rules will we follow?