C.L. “SHEP” Shepherd is a former NFL Player and author of the book, Get Out of that Bed: A Devotional Guide Through the Book of John. I came across “SHEP” via a short video posted by Matt Lisie (@CoachLisie) giving a speech to the University of West Virginia Football Team
https://twitter.com/WVUfootball/status/1429914512728068103. The core of this short clip was to change your what if, into even if.
What if things don’t work out the way you envisioned. What if you don’t start? What if you don’t lead the league in rushing? What if they don’t call your name? What if you fall short? Don’t dwell there. They will only keep you in the past.
Shift instead to even if. Even if you don’t start. Even if you don’t reach your position goals. Even if your name is not called. Even if you fall short. Don’t give up or give out. Continue to respond victoriously. Keep your mind right.
Hearing this challenge from Shep reminds me of Paul’s words to the Philippian church (3:13-14, NIV):
"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Paul challenges us to forget what is behind (don’t dwell in the past) and strain toward what is ahead (look to the future). When we dwell in the past we are overcome with, what Shep would call, “Shoulda, shoulda, shoulda.” It is our shoulda’s that keep us imprisoned in the past. We live in the world of regret. Regret becomes the blinders to progress.
No matter what may be in our past, we need to strain, or forge, toward what is ahead. It is regret that keeps us lashed to the mast of past misgivings. It is fear that weighs us down from forging ahead. Shepherd says, “There is nothing wrong with having fear, but you don’t want fear to have you.”
Forget the past. Forge toward your future. Even if you are afraid…move ahead. Even if you have regrets…don’t let them burden you down. Even if you feel inadequate…hold onto where you do have adequacies. Even if your faith seems futile…take one more step.