I have been in some sort of pastoral ministry since 1975. I have had pastoral positions in California, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Indiana. In each situation I felt that God did indeed call me to serve in those locations. The sense of call was consistent. The process of discerning that call was not so clear.
I have always felt that God’s call was one of clarity. Like a flash of lighting on a clear day. There would be no mistaking it. He would make very clear through a voice, a passage of scripture, a mystical sign…something that says, “This is the way you ought to go.” This has not always been my reality.
I recall when I was serving in my first full time youth pastor position. Joni and I had relocated from San Diego, CA to Decatur, GA. I had never lived anywhere outside of the San Diego area. My dad was a small business owner so we never traveled for vacations. You see, when my dad didn’t work, he didn’t get paid. Therefore the idea of going somewhere on summer vacation was a foreign notion for me. I never did it. I share all of this to let you know that relocating to Georgia was no small matter. But Joni and I knew we were to be there. Both of us had a clear impression. So we went.
We loved the church we served. The Lead Pastor there was a fantastic leader. He gave me many opportunities I am fairly certain that most youth pastors did not get. We had grown to really enjoy the greater Atlanta area. We were looking to go nowhere else.
An opportunity presented itself to return to our hometown San Diego. Not only to return there, but to serve at our home church, Skyline, under the leadership of John Maxwell. You would have thought it would be a no brainer. Of course we’re going back to San Diego!
That was not the case. We did not immediately jump at the opportunity. Instead, Joni and I committed not talk to each other about this for a week. We would, independently, seek God, pray, search scripture, speak to those we had confidence in. We felt God would clearly bring us to the same conclusion.
After one week we talked. I did not have a clear sense of stay, or go. The only thing I kept sensing from God was, “What do you want to do?” He seemed to be saying, “I will use you where you are. I will use you in San Diego. You decide.”
We did. We made the decision to return to our home area. It was where family was. It was an opportunity to serve in my dream role as the youth pastor of Skyline.
In the book of Jeremiah chapter 40 we find the prophet being released to go with all the other exiled people to Babylon (v1). Here is what Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, said to Jeremiah, “Now I am going to take off your chains and let you go. If you want to come with me to Babylon, fine; I will see that you are well cared for. But if you don’t want to come, don’t. The world is before you—go where you like. If you decide to stay, then return to Gedaliah, who has been appointed as governor of Judah by the king of Babylon, and stay with the remnant he rules. But it’s up to you; go where you like” (v4-5).
What Jeremiah was to do would be his call. Please do not misunderstand, I am in no way implying that Nebuzaradan was the voice of God, but the principle rings true, often where God wants us to be is where we choose to be. Jeremiah decided to stay in Judah (6).
Don’t complicate your discerning process. Be aware that God may simply be letting you know you can choose. You can decide. When you are willing to be used by God, wherever you are, know that he will.