Persistence is a Choice
Curiosity Killed the Boring
The True Truth
It's Not Complicated
Developing Our Leadership
Tough Conversations
Convictionless Conviction
Necessary Components
Limited Faith
The Leader's Greatest Motivation
They Are Looking At You
Time to Exit the Parade
Parade participants are on display. They are front and center. They show what they are made of. They are worthy of admiration and applause. They show off their hard work of preparation. But here is the reality, we all can’t be in the parade. Some of us have to sit on the curb and applaud as it goes by.
The Power of One Word
Wrinkles can be many things. Signs of aging. Indicators of a life well lived. Some view them as smile marks. Mark Twain said, “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” Ultimately, wrinkles are stories. Stories of worry, pain, victory, celebration, humor. Wrinkles are the stories of our lives.
What Does Fear Do To You?
A good friend, Ron McClung, writes a weekly blog entitled, ‘Positive Perspective.’ In a recent blog he wrote, “Someone suggested F.E.A.R. Might be an acronym for ‘forget everything and run!’ But John Ed Mathison suggested a more positive approach would be ‘Face Everything and Respond.’” (Positive Perspective, 8-26-22)
The New Four Letter Word
In the Christmas classic, “A Christmas Story,” the main character and narrator, Ralphie, has his dad talk him through the changing of a flat tire. A skill every young man ought to have. During the tire change, Ralphie ends up saying, what is dubbed, “The mother of all swear words.” This word is verbalized, for the listener’s ears, as fudge. I am sure you get the idea of the word.
Pappy & Mama
As with parenting, there is no school for grand parenting. Mama and I never have developed a grand plan. We just knew we wanted to be close to them and as involved as we could. We are blessed that we continue to have close connections with our Adult kids and this flows into our relationship with our grandkids.
The Basic Law
In the book of Ezekiel, located in the Old Testament, we read, “And this is the basic law of the temple: Holiness!” (43:12) Holiness is a basic foundation of a relationship with God. He is holy. We are to be holy. In Ezekiel’s day the holiness was tied to the sacrifice of unblemished animals. Lots of sacrificing; lots of animals!
Keep Pounding
ive foot, nine inches tall, 229 pounds. Reading these stats you’d might think of a bit overweight individual you may work with, or your next door neighbor. Instead those dimensions described a former National Football League Pro Bow Linebacker, Sam Mills. Sam Mills played fifteen years in the NFL; twelve of those with the Carolina Panthers.